Recitation / labs

The IPLS physics recitation and labs use biological examples to teach the same – or more – physics that you would have learned in the “traditional” or “modern” flavors of intro physics. We expect it to be more interesting, more relevant and (we hope) more fun for life-sciences people. Fair warning: it may also be more chaotic!

Week-by-week specifics will be posted in the table below as the semester progresses. Quizzes and Recitations are posted on T-Square.

Date Pre-reading Lab Instructions Writeup due Notes
Week 1
M, Jan 8
none none
Week 2
M, Jan 15
none none
Week 3
M, Jan 22
 none Coin flip statistics spreadsheet
 Lab 6: Hagen-Poiseuille flow
see below
Week 4
M, Jan 29
 none  (continued from previous week) by end of class
Week 5
M, Feb. 5
Viscosity  Lab 7: Electrophoresis and charge screening
Week 6
M, Feb. 12
Zeta potential and screening  (continued from previous week) by end of class
Week 7
M, Feb. 19
none  Quiz and recitation only
Week 8
M, Feb. 26
none  Lab 8a: Circuits  by end of class
Week 9
M, Mar. 5
none  Lab 8b: Nerve Transmission by end of class
Week 10
M, Mar. 12
none  Lab 9: Lenses
Week xx
M, Mar. 19
 Spring break  –
Week 11
M, Mar. 26
 Lightlenses and the thin lens equation (continued from previous week)
Week 12
M, Apr. 2
 Using our spectrometer  Lab 10: Spectroscopy
Week 13
M, Apr. 9
none Quiz
Week 14
M, Apr. 16
Photon energy
Bohr atom
Finish Lab 10
 by end of class
Week 15
M, Apr. 23
 none Recitation
Makeup lab if necessary: Lab X2
 by end of class